Christopher Grantham
On Design: “Design has always enticed me from a very young age when I would build forts out of chairs, blankets, and pillows early on Saturday morning as my parents slept”. To be able to manipulate the world around me to create a more perfect and functional environment has always seemed like an amazing gift to be given and to use.
About Projects: I love projects that are puzzles of space and organization. It becomes like a game to position all of the pieces in the perfect way so that they will link appropriately in order for the overall design to become a complete functional picture.
If I weren’t a Designer: “I would be an actor and work in the theatre”. I have always felt the desire to be creative and affect the senses of the people around me. That communal experience of working with an audience to achieve a greater understanding of the human experience has always enticed me.
On Collaboration: All of life is a collaboration, why shouldn’t design be. It is through the input of others that we become stronger and more effective individuals & designers.
Education: BA, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University.