Claire Thompson, IIDA, CID

On Design: “I am carried by a passion for what I do. Design speaks to me. Life is all about texture and color—look at nature around us!” About Projects: The most interesting design challenges are when there is conflict between aesthetics and functional demands. “I love a beautiful finished space, and yet I know success is based on the client having a space that is functional”.
If I weren’t a Designer: “For a long time I thought I would be a veterinarian–maybe it’s because of my need to help, fix, and cure.” Frequently described as thoughtful and intensely caring about clients, her passion and commitment have resulted in long term client friendships and loyalty. Loves art, contemporary art jewelry, and beautifully detailed clothes.
On The Thompson Collaborative LLC: “The Company is based on collaboration because I believe we learn from each other (even at my age!), whereby we all reach higher levels of accomplishment and have fun at the same time.”
Education: BS/Environmental Design, Purdue University.
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Service: Organization of Women Executives, Antron’s National Advisory Council, International Interior Design Association, Founder of IIDA Student Scholarship Fund, Invited Juror/LAAIA Interiors Committee’s Student Design Competition, Design Advisory Council/Interior Architecture Department, Woodbury University.